31st May 2011

Siglufjörður Students rewarded for their hard work.

Students preparing maps of the movements of godwits seen over the winter and spring.(photo © Guðný Róbertsdóttir)

Guðný Róbertsdóttir, one of the teacher at Grunnskóli Fjallabyggðar in Siglufjörður, northern Iceland sent the following report on the work being carried out by her school: Hi all. Now the weather is getting better – last week I went birdwatching here in between houses in Siglufjörður and I saw three ringed birds. Some of them have come in town and are on grass fields in town.

Plotting the movements of Janus' godwit which she 'adopted' in 2009 and was seen for the first time in Siglufjörður this May. (photo © Guðný Róbertsdóttir)

In the last days of snow and cold weather the class has been working hard indoors. They are working in group of two or three – and finding out about where the ringed godwits that have arrived here in May 2011 have been, they were ringed in Siglufjörður during the years 2004-2010. One of them we have no record of where it has been since it was ringed in 2009 until this May when it arrived here. It is RN-LX which one of our pupils, Janus “adopted”. But the others have been seen in Ireland, England, The Netherlands, France and Portugal so they are learning a lot about countries in Europe. We put all the “stories” on one map. We have also made similar maps of the birds that were seen in Ireland in 2010 and were ringed in Iceland.

The godwits and other birds found around Siglufjordur were used by the pupils as inspiration for these fantastic sculptures. From left to right: jaðrakan/black-tailed godwit, hrossagaukur/snipe, lóa/golden plover and snæugla/snowy owl.
(photo © Guðný Róbertsdóttir)

Last Saturday we had a show at school, showing our work this winter. They were showing their parents the work of the godwits and I know some of the parents were rather surprised when the pupils were explaining to them the travelling of the godwits and naming the places where they had been seen. In recognition of their hard work and contribution to the International Schools Godwit Project the pupils were presented with specially designed fridge magnets.

A pupils shows her parents all the hard work the class did on the project during the school year.

(photo © Guðný Róbertsdóttir)

Pupils with their much sought after International Schools Godwit Project fridge magnets. (photo © Guðný Róbertsdóttir)


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