15th December 2012

Árangursríkar jaðrakanamerkingar á Siglufirði í sumar

Sumarið 2012 komu Pete, Ruth og félagar til Siglufjarðar um 10. júlí. Eyrún sem nú er í 10. bekk, Janus sem nú er kominn í 6. bekk tóku þátt í merkingunum að þessu sinni. Netin voru sett á sama stað og venjulega, á Langeyrinni. Merktir voru 29 jaðrakanar. Á meðan við vorum að merkja og gera hinar venjubundnu mælingar komu óvæntir gestir til okkar, en það voru gæsarungar sem höfðu fælst frá móður sinni þegar netinu var skotið upp. Um kvöldð hafði fjölskyldan sameinast aftur.

Another Successful Godwit Catch this Summer at Siglufjörður.
This summer 2012 Pete Potts, Ruth Croger and friends came to on the 10th of July. Eyrún who is now in 10th grade and Janus, in 6th grade were taking part this time. The Godwit team set out the nets on the same place as usually not far from the school. 29 Black-tailed Godwits were ringed. While we were ringing and measuring there came unexpected guests –geese chicks. Their mother(parents) had got afraid of the noice when shooting the nets. In the evening the family had found each other again.

Some of the Godwit Ringing Team in Siglufjordur this summer.

(photo © Pete Potts)

Another colour ringed godwit about to be released.

(photo © Pete Potts)


Goslings checking out the godwit colour ringing at Siglufjordur this summer.

(photo © Guðný Róbertsdóttir)