5th April 2013 Four New Cork Colour Ringed Godwits! In the first week of April expert wader ringer Barry O'Mahony was lucky enough to catch four Icelandic Black-tailed Godwits while ringing waders at Lough Beg in the southwest corner of Cork Harbour.This brings the total number of godwits colour ringed in Cork Harbour to 17. These colour ringed birds have so far generated 16 sightings, nine in Cork one in Belfast, one in Wexford, four in Dublin and just one outside of the island of Ireland in Iceland. All godwits colour ringed in Cork have a tall white ring with two black hoops/stripes on the right leg. It will be interesting to see where these four godwits go in the months and years ahead. Well done Barry! The four godwits colour ringed by Barry O'Mahony at Lough Beg, Cork Harbour, Ireland in the last week. (photo © Barry O'Mahony) |